May 10Liked by Martina E. Faulkner

Lately I have found myself saying things like "Humans are fascinating" as if I am an alien and not one of them. I am also so perplexed at times with it all and am ever searching for the humanity in this world we've created. (I often say "God gave us consciousness and intelligence and this is what we have chosen to do?"). I too have found writing as a way to explore and unearth my own questions (to explore further), my intuition and my wisdom. I see that in your writing, too. I love that our paths continue to run in parallel as we have forged our paths in life. The work you are doing in the world is beautiful, Martina

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Aw, thank you, Tara. It's weird sometimes, isn't it, when you hear yourself say things from a removed perspective. And yet, somehow, I feel like it gives a deeper access to understanding what kind of human we each want to be... to ultimately be more human together. Hopefully. <3

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May 10Liked by Martina E. Faulkner

Great process and it give a lot to think about. I appreciate you sharing.

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Thank you so much. Appreciate that... glad it gives you stuff to think about. ;)

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